
2012 ADDY Awards Commercial

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December 27  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

I just caught this promo video calling for entries into the ADDY Awards and couldn’t get but think this should already be the winner. This contest is open to students, professors and agencies of all sizes and the only thing that matters is creativity. If you want to take part you can drop off your entry to the Miami International University of Art & Design 1501 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fl 33132. You can alsoenter by going to

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Sockos Commercial With Blake From Workaholics

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December 13  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

I noticed Blake from Workaholics in a commercial for Sockos(thanks to the folks on the Workaholics Reddit) and loved the cross branding. I always talk about “riding the social wave” of other influentials in the social realm, and this is a fresh example of just that. Blake has 111,000 Twitter followers, mad Facebook rep and enough branding power to get Sockos a huge amount of buzz.

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Weetabix Cereal Dubstep Commercial

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October 1  |  Viral Marketing  |   Ryan Clark

Weetabix decided to take advantage of some Dubstep in their latest commercial and it’s due to pay off big time. It’s quite the elaborate commercial for a cereal, but it’ll definitely generate some buzz and a whole lot of links. I will admit that I kind of want a big bowl of Weetabix while listening to some Skream.


Twitter’s Earthquake Commercial – Snoozfest!

September 2  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

I was expecting a lot more 2.0 humor and pizazz to come from Twitter’s commercial but it fell kind of flat for me. You’ve almost nabbed everyone in the tech/nerd/hipster sphere, and if you’re wanting to reach the broader audience, you’re going to have to do better than this! The communication power of Twitter is immense and down right useful, so I expect to see something more emotionally moving next time around.


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Microsoft’s Cloud Computing 70’s Commercial

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September 2  |  Viral Marketing  |   Ryan Clark

Well I think it has been a while since someone came out with a 70’s spoof commercial, we at least 6 months anywho. Microsoft is promoting their cloud computing services quite a bit lately and this is the latest jab. It’s a pretty good commercial I thought so might as well share it with you folks. I’m a sucker for commercials involving moustache ridden men driving around in a van that’s probably stock full of LSD….wait, that doesn’t sound right?!


Banned Dutch Hyundai Commercial

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August 21  |  Viral Marketing  |   Ryan Clark

This recent Hyundai commercial for the Dutch market got itself banned. So what happens when your marketing efforts have this effect? Go to the Internet where you’ll be thanked for an amusing/interesting/racy commercial. If your banned commercial is good enough. you’re no doubt going to fee the viral effect. I can see this one being a little too much for the young ones, but overall it’s a well done commercial that highlights the cars most unique feature.


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Toyota & Bob Burnquist Team Up In New Commercial

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August 16  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

Since I’m a Toyota owner/lover/enthusiast (MR2 to be exact) I thought I’d deliver the latest commercial in a series Toyota has been doing. I grew up with a skateboard strapped to my feet as well, so this one featuring pro skater/entrepreneur/awesome guy Bob Burnquist caught my eye.

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Chip Torres – Crazy Awesome Computer Store Commercial

July 25  |  Brand Building  |   Ryan Clark

There are an endless stream of commercials out there, some good, some bad. Some are so bad that they’re amazing and that brings us to my commercial post of the day. My Spanish isn’t so hot, but Chip was kind enough to lay down the English words for this one of a kind computer store commercial. Thanks to Reddit and our marketing team, we hope to bring some more attention to Chip’s talents and his knack for the craziest tech gear south of the border!


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