Link Building Tools

LinkVoodoo Backlink Analyzer Update

February 23  |  Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

Just a little update on the latest updates on our SEO Tools and what we’ve got implemented, as well what we’ve got coming in the coming 10 days(or so). First up I’d like to let everyone know about the updates we’ve made to the instructions on how to use the backlink analyzer. Some people have been confused with getting the launch.php to run, or have just straight up had problems getting it to run. So we’ve added in these instructions seen below, let us know if everything worked fine for you;

We’re hoping this clears things up a little and helps most people run the tool without any problems. We’re also working on getting a feedback system in place that will archive users questions, and our answers. We’re also thinking of adding in a forum sooner than later so people can discuss any problems with the tool, and with link building in general. The next update we added this week was the addition of the dofollow and nofollow reporting on all the links. You can see them tallied up at the top right, as well the reporting within the link list you get once you’ve run the software.

This is the key numbers list that gives you a quick tally of the numbers that are most important, and now as you can see they’re including the do/nofollow count. From here you can see which links are dofollow or nofollow under each link set for each domain. If you notice any problems with the reporting please let us know so we can make sure everything is running smoothly. We really rely on your feedback to fix issues and make the software better.

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Backlink Checking With Link Voodoo

February 10  |  Link Building Tools, News  |   Ryan Clark

Well we’ve finally launched the public beta version of our backlink analyzer which is still in early development. We’ve tested it on Linux(Ubuntu), MacOSX, Vista and XP so it should run fine on most computers if they have Java installed. We are encouring anyone to leave feedback and comments so we can tweak and improve the software as we go along.

The software runs in two different modes, quick run and full run. The quick run checks a sites entire backlink profile but only reports back one unique anchor text link per domain, instead of the full run which will report site wide links. Yahoo Site Explorer reports everything and we found that this is usually annoying to sift through. We will be soon adding a sorting function that will allow you to list the results by PageRank or Alexa Rank.

If you input your domain and there are already results that means someone has already run your domain through the backlink analyzer. You can choose to view the data or click the “update data” button to scan for new links that may not be listed. This will relaunch the Java app and gather all the new links, and once it’s finished you can refresh the page or click the update option on screen to usher in the new or updated results.

The Pro Tools portion of Link Voodoo will be rolling out the first part after this section has been thoroughly abused by you and me. I still can’t go into details on what those features will be, but trust me they’re going to be schweeeeet.

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LotusJump Review

January 28  |  Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

It has taken me a little too long to finally get to a short review on LotusJump SEO Software, so finally I’m getting my ass off the couch. You may have noticed the banner ads I have running for LotusJump, and thus taken it upon yourself to see what it is all about. For the rest of you I’ll try and do my best to explain everything this software tries to do. I am an affiliate of theirs so I’ll try and keep my opinion as nuetral as possible, but I’ll still be trying to make some money.

The software is designed for the inexperienced, mostly anyway, and makes link building a little easier for people who don’t have the time to learn or spend hours finding stuff to do. Once you sign up you can enter your website(s) and keywords which then gets populated with tasks via their task engine. This is where LotusJump rises above the rest of the SEO software out there and assigns easy to do tasks that will build up your backlink profile. Take a look at the video to get a visual idea of their task engine;

The tasks offer a diverse link profile once you complete a good chunk of them, and they are constantly updating the tasks to keep you going. The tasks include a diverse directory list to go through, Google Alerts style system to always monitor when someone is talking about your brand or keyword, and as well a whole host of content generation tasks.

So what do I think? Honestly, I am very impressed with it at a beginner – intermediate level and I know over time this will blossom into a task engine with link building tasks for all levels. I think this is a great asset to smaller companies and one man website owners who can’t afford to be link building for 10 hours a day. Another aspect I like is having a task engine in the first place because it’s hard to stay on course and having something to keep you on track will actually make you get things done. The price is also right at only $50 USD per month so you won’t go broke and this will cost you much much much less than a full time link builder.

LotusJump SEO Software - Try Risk Free!

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Check Backlinks With Link Voodoo

January 12  |  Link Building Tools, News  |   Ryan Clark

Happy Monday everyone….We’ve been working hard at getting the backlink analyzer function working on Link Voodoo and it should be rolled out very very soon. We’ve been taking into consideration all the features we’d want in this free tool and hopefully haven’t left anything out. We’re hoping to get some feedback from you folks before we roll it out and I have provided a screenshot below which should give you a better understanding of what we have in the works. We’re aiming to make it the most elaborate and informational backlink analyzer on the web which isn’t an easy task because there are a few really great tools already out there.

So it covers the usual goodies and you won’t be able to check the backlinks for individual pages until the Pro Tools roll out. If you are not signed up for a free account with Link Voodoo you will only be able to check the top 10 links, but with a free account you will be able to check all of them with full stats. Those stats include anchor text, Alexa ranking, Google PageRank, no/do follow, and the trust score of the site. You will also be able to download the results in a .csv file or in a nice sexy printable/emailable report for your client or boss. We decided to limit non signed up users only because the server costs involved in hosting a free tool like this. So please take a look at the screenshot and let me know what you’d like to see in the backlink analyzer that we don’t already have in or planned.

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OnlyWire Social Bookmarking Tool

January 10  |  Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

Onlywire has been a favorite bookmarking tool of mine and I’ve been meaning to to an updated post for a while now. Before I start I like to mention that this is in no way paid for and out of the respect and thanks I have for the use I’ve got out of this tool. OnlyWire has come a long way since its first version and with the latest update to 2.0 it keeps itself ahead of every other tool like it on the market, both free and paid.

OnlyWire is the only publicly available social bookmarking tool that submits to a handful of sites at the click of a button. Most of the others like Social Poster and Social Marker, require you to still load the sites and go through the submission process. The software submits to the usual suspects of the top social bookmarking sites available, so you’re getting your sites onto the places that matter instead of a host of low quality bookmarking sites. Onlywire requires you to store your account information with them, but it is built on a very secure platform that was designed to make sure your information stays private.

Of course they have got almost every base covered when it comes to browser bookmarklets which are ready and available. This is perhaps the easiest way to use OnlyWire’s bookmarking platform and only takes a few seconds to send your link to the 25+ bookmarks they offer. Remember to update your user information for each bookmarking site within your OnlyWire account, and make sure to check periodically that your account is still active. The browsers that are supported are of course Internet Explorer, Firefox and the new Google Chrome. They’ve also been generous enough to make bookmarklets for Safari and Opera which just goes to show how in tune they are with the open source community.

OnlyWire is available for free under certain conditions as well you can pay a very small fee to avoid the requirements of the free use. If you have a website you can easily use OnlyWire for free but applying the bookmark button onto your website. If you have a blog that is running on the WordPress platform there is a plugin you can use which takes care of everything for you. You can see mine in action by scrolling down to the bottom of this post, right under the massive list of bookmarking chiclets I have listed. The pricing is very affordable with a monthly cost of $2.99 or if you pay the $24.99 yearly price you can save %30. This is very affordable and fair because the server usage it must cost them can get up there and we wouldn’t have this great tool otherwise.

The last feature up is possibly my second favorite part of the tool, and if you’re a programmer you’ll love it too. They offer their API so you can configure it to automatically submit your new pages and posts on the fly without having to do any extra work. The API is limited to 5 posts per day, but I imagine they would take payment to allow more. If anyone from OnlyWire reads this feel free to elaborate on that in the comments. The API commands are pretty straight forward and you shouldn’t have too much of a problem implementing it within your website.

I hope you folks enjoy the tool and get some great use out of it. I encourage you to leave some comments on what you think of OnlyWire, good or bad. I would love to hear from some of the staff as well with any tips, comments or insight on what they have planned next for this amazing tool. I personally would love to see a few more sites added in but I know how much of a pain it can be getting auto submitting working with certain sites. I tried in the past to program my own tool just like this but ended up with a big fat FAIL!

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SEO Web Hosting

January 4  |  Link Building Tools  |   Ryan Clark

SEO Web Hosting has become quite popular lately, and if you have a network of sites/blog/whatever you’re most likely wanting to have them each hosted on a separate IP address. A lot of companies have sprung up to offer specific SEO Web Hosting as it has become the buzz word even though most companies have offered this since the dawn of web hosting. It’s a smart move on their part because it made for a great new keyword to reap in tons of clients, and usually clients who were raking it in themselves. There are a handful of dedicated SEO Web Hosting companies and I thought I would list a few, ranked as I seem them now on Google according to the Google Dance Tool.

SEO Web Hosting is a full fledge managed hosting company that specializes in SEO Web Hosting. They’ve done a great job building up their backlink profile, and with a domain like that it’s no wonder why they’re holding down the number one position in Google for the term. They do a great job of splitting up the IP’s and the prices are very affordable, but if you’re in this game money shouldn’t be a problem. You can take a look at their SEO Hosting Packages or contact them at 570-574-9067. I must say though they need to get an email contact form up on their website….this is 2009 after all :)

SEO Hosting is another powerhouse SEO Hosting company that is backed by none of than Host Gator. I’m an affiliate of theirs but they have no banners or links under their program for this, so that would be nice (hint hint). Since this is with Host Gator prices are very reasonable and hosting plans start as low as $35/month and go all the way up to $544/month. The site also offers some run of the mill SEO tools and a blog that also features run of the mill blog posts…if you guys ever need a guest post let me know!

I will be updating this thread throughout the blogs lifespan and make sure to add new companies that offer SEO Web Hosting services. If I missed a company please let me know through my contact form or leave a comment in this post. I’ve also been wondering what Google might think of this as an SEO technique….border line greyhat or do you folks think its all good? I personally think it is a viable tactic, but I do see the blackhat possibilities with use a SEO Web Hosting setup for a blog network.

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Calculating TrustRank With Link Voodoo

December 31  |  Link Building Tools, News  |   Ryan Clark

I’m happy to announce the launch of Link Voodoo Beta for the new year and it is the beginning of the project I have been working on with two amazing people. My good friends who also programmed, designed and run InfoBarrel have teamed up with me to put together what will be the most complete link building tool on the them Internets. We need your input on what you like and don’t like about this first installment so please leave comments, bad or good.

So currently what is in operation is the very Beta version which calculates a pages TrustRank score based on a set of factors we determined. We want to help people determine if they’re getting links from quality websites, or pages and make your link building efforts more worth the while. This tool, plus a few tweaks, will always remain free and the next installments of “Pro Tools” we will bring on board will be available at a very reasonable cost. I cannot say much about what that will entail, but I assure you it will make your mouth water!

So as I stated in the first paragraph, we need your user input on what sucks and what doesn’t. Please bare with us as we fix things and break things. If anyone bloggers want to write about the tool I would be more than happy to bring you on board for sneak peeks and what’s coming next as well bring you on board as Pro Tools testers.

Currently you can see all the factors that determine your TrustRank, and within a week we will have full backlink and anchor test reporting so you can check your links, or your competitors. We will also have a keyword ranking/position tracker in place soon enough to make it more complete. So I hope you all find this useful and I’m looking forward in hearing some feedback!

Click Here To Try Link Voodoo Beta

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Link Building With

December 17  |  Internal Link Building, Link Building Tools, Wordpress SEO  |   Ryan Clark

I’ve been researching the new and interesting blog tool called Psolenoid. So what is it? Well it is a tool to link related blog posts at the bottom of your written post. You can define a set of trusted blogs, and works kind of like the related posts plugin I have here at the bottom of my articles. I’m going to be using this on here for a bit and seeing how well it does in terms of traffic. I hope Google takes kindly to this system, but I’m sure it will be fine because it’s about getting traffic from related sites and not influencing the SERPs. Here’s a short and to the point video which graphically shows you how this tool works;

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