Panda Ranking Factors: A Look At 10 Search Results

July 15  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

While a few version of Google’s Panda update has completed, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at 10 different SERP results and poke around to see what we can find. I know a lot of people are complaining about the amount of junk results still showing up, the cheaters who are still link spamming for years and years, as well an influx of socially mashed content sites. I’m going to pick 10 different keywords off the top of my head at the start of each post. I’m going to look around me and come up with the search term by seeing what products are around me at the time. I’m usually at home, the office or working from a Starbucks somewhere here in Victoria, so I shouldn’t have a problem finding a good keyword to break down.

The whole purpose of this experiment should hopefully bring forth a lot of common factors into the open that we can go on. While Panda was supposed to weed out lousy content, I have a feeling that links are also getting a slightly different look. I’m aware this claim has been denounced by others, but we’ll wait and see what kind of things we see after these 10 posts. I’m also aware of the fact that the data pulled might not reflect any solutions or solid evidence, but I hope something good comes of it. I’ll be using Cemper’s Link Research Tools to pull all the data I need, so thanks to him and his team for hooking a nerd up!

Since sites to naughty things to rank hard, we’ll have to keep in mind that what we look at that day most certainly may not be the case next month. I’ll not only be looking at links of course, but the content on site as well as the social media metrics in hopes this pin points a lot of common themes. This will be especially interesting within the ecommerce realm because I will look at a few shopping related search results.

I hope to hear a lot of chatter on these posts from the readers here because I’m getting a little tired of the comment spam coming in. This post will also be a jump off spot for all the posts, so you can come back over time to jump around to the results you want to look at. There’s no doubt I’ll miss something in my analysis, so if you see something I forgot and you mention it, you’ll score yourself a nice link from that post!

The Post Index:


1) Search Result Of The Day – Buy Espresso Beans
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA
5) TBA
6) TBA
7) TBA
8) TBA
9) TBA
10) TBA

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About Ryan Clark

I'm the CEO of Linkbuildr Marketing and the brains behind our branding and blog content. I specialize in effective marketing strategies for hotels, luxury brands and real estate. If your brand is in need of a boost then don't hesitate to contact me for a free proposal. Follow me on Google+: +Ryan Clark Twitter: @Linkbuildr on Twitter. You can also come ask me a question on our Facebook Page.  

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