social search engine

Link Building With

January 26  |  Link Building, Social Media Sites  |   Ryan Clark

Stumpedia was launched just over a year ago and its grown to be one of the most active social search engines on the market. I’ve been a fan and using it for a while now, especially since they’ve gone dofollow. The site as of today is showing stats of 13,452 links, 3,976 members and over 35,000 search terms in the database. If you haven’t added your site to Stumpedia I highly suggest you go and register for an account, then search for your keyword. Once you’re there you can add your listing to that search term and it will eventually show up in your backlink profile….assuming it doesn’t get de-listed. Remember to only submit quality sites because you won’t last long spamming this search engine with junk.

The site has been growing strong in the last few months and hopefully will continue on in this fashion. Like I mentioned before the links are dofollow so they will eventually show up in your backlink profile. You can also vote on your listings which will help with placement within the serps. I like what they have done with this platform and I wouldn’t doubt if Google has been snaking ideas from them for the future of their search engine. It’s going to be a tough battle combating serp spam, but eventually we’ll have a cleaner search experience.

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