read burner

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August 19  |  Uncategorized  |   Ryan Clark

I just discovered Read Burner as a new place to drop relevant links. It looks like Pligg, and smells like Pligg, but it isn’t. Read Burner analysis current hot topics and trends based on certain factors and the latest news gets spat out to the site. If you want to see what kind of topics and sites are making the rounds they provide open stats you can view. For all your folks with nice phones you can view a mobile version as well which is what I’ve been tuning into all day from my iPhone.

ReadBurner ( analyzes what people are sharing with their personal social networks on a variety of services to determine the best content across the Web. With an increasing amount of news consumption taking place in RSS readers and personalized start pages versus traditional web sites, ReadBurner aggregates the most frequently shared content from these next generation services to determine what’s popular.

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