
Link Building With Pikter.com

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September 2  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

Pikter is a web 2.0 Flickr clone that is pretty well setup and brand spanking new. Since the site is so new there isn’t much PR being passed around, but Pikter is a site to keep your eye on. They allow photo comments which includes two simple forms to fill out. Since the two forms are only your name and your web address, you can easily nab a do follow link on the photo page. I’m going to be using Pikter in the future for some viral testing, and what do I mean by that? Well I want to try and get some photos going viral on the web, and if possible I’ll be able to benefit from the link on the page. There are a ton of new services sprouting that allow you to get links, and this is just a simple example. I’ll be scouring the web for more sites like this so hopefully we’ll have a giant list of photo sites to link build on.

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