guest blog post

Link Building With Guest Blog Posting

September 2  |  Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

We all have been seeing more and more guest blog posting happening in the blogosphere, especially within the SEO/SEM industry. I’ve been asked to write a few guest blog posts and it got me thinking…how can I get more? Guest blog posts are great because it provides a fresh style of content on the users blog, as well it allows you to get links within content you don’t have to pay no google slap. There are a few ways to go about finding blogs to guest post on so lets take a look at a few, and hopefully it will get you thinking about how to find new ways.

First up is the most obvious and that is to make a list of all the respected blogs within your niche and personally contact them by phone or email. If you were to get a request from another blogger to write on your site, how would you feel? Personally I’d welcome it because it never hurts to have someone do your work for you. You could spend that day off building links or working on that other slacked on project that’s collecting dust. Even though you’re allowing someone else to input links back to their site, at least it’s within your niche which won’t hurt you as much if they were writing about something off topic. I also like to think the person writing the guest post is going to bring something interesting to the table, so you could potentially have some content that will go viral.

Secondly we can use good old Google to rely on to find us some great blogs to apply to. I’m sure most of my readers here are familiar with Google commands and can hack their way around with little or no problems. This opens up a whole bunch of possibilites in finding blogs to post on, it is as easy as just searching for things like “write a guest blog post” or “guest blogger“. You can even get more specific by using Google’s inrul command to try and narrow it down by niche. Even though this method is still not that popular, you should be able to find a few places to write for within your niche.

Lastly I’ve setup a section for exchanging blog posts on the Link Building Forums which has yet to take off so sign up! I’m hoping to make it the place that bloggers can use to find all sorts of blogs to exchange with. Places like Bumpzee and BlogCatalog are also great places to find bloggers within your niche who are always up for guest blogging. I’ve found a majority of my guest bloggers on Bumpzee mainly because people are hungry to write. After I’ve posted about it on those two sites I’ve received numorous requests from other bloggers who’ve written a bunch of my conent for free!

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