2.0 directory

Link Building With WebmasterCatalog.com

January 4  |  Internal Link Building  |   Ryan Clark

Webmaster Catalog is a quality web directory that has ushered in the web 2.0 touches to make it a complete webmaster resource. I don’t find myself doing a lot of directory link building these days unless it is with very authoritative paid directories, or very authoritative free directories. I’ve been using Link Voodoo to put a quality score on all my my link building efforts recently, and Webmaster Catalog scored 59% which is pretty damn good.

The directory is human edited and from what I’ve seen is that the sites going into the directory have to be quality, and it has made the site top notch as far as directories go. I’m not sure if the script used is custom or not, but it brings in a set of great listing features that go beyond title/description. If you check out the Linkbuildr profile page I got once approved, you’ll be able to see all the features they offer. All the links are do follow, so you get an anchor text of your choice(if approved) as well do follow links through an archive of your RSS feed. Users can also write reivews and rank your site, so if you’d like to drop me a review feel free…I won’t mind :)

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